The clock rolls around to one in the morning, marking two hours of library time wasted-- not an unusual sight in the RBDragon. I'm sitting with Girl on the first floor roaming around Mark Zuckerburg's multi-billion dollar masterpiece, refreshing my home page every so often, stumbling through mustache pledge pictures, hiding those annoying people from high school from my newsfeed, and doing anything else that one considers useless on the good ole social network. At eleven o'clock, I left my dorm with every intention to get ahead on my studies-- I didn't even bring my computer... and now, I've been using girls for at least and hour. I've had coffee, and I'm wishing I was tired. I know that I've now permeated my mind with social networking, and I won't be able to do any work for the rest of the night. Another night, another few hours, another chunk of my brain: wasted, burned in the facebook furnace.
"Ok. It's time. I'm deactivating it, and I'm going to bed," I throw in the heavy wet towel. Girl thinks for a minute, "... Let's hold each other accountable."
With that our quest to discover the worth of the life began.
soli de gloria
Here's a few things you should know:
1. When we were fifteen, Girl and I stoppped calling each other by our given names and started addressing each other as Girl and Girl. The actual reason that this happened is slightly embarrassing, but the embarrassing beginning has faded away and the heart of the matter is all that lasts, and that is that we are Girl and Girl. My name is Rosemary; Girl's name is Kit. For your ease of understanding, and our cheesy gratification, we will sign our posts as GirlR and GirlK.
2. We did not end up completely deactivating our facebooks. We both changed each others passwords because here on the plains, too many people choose facebook as their official way of communication. We will recieve an email if someone has sent us an important message or event invitation; however, we will not log on the site until November 11th (my roommate's birthday).
3. We ask for your accountability... help us out. We're pretty sure that life IS worth alot more than an addicting social network, and we genuinely want to learn to experience it...
Some wise words Girl spoke to me in high school, something to knaw on:
Think of everday that you spend an hour total on facebook-- not so bad if you just spend one hour everyday-- that's alot less than average Auburn student. Now, let 24 days pass with that limit. An hour a day, for 24 days, and a whole day of your life is gone. You'll never get it back, and what did you do with that day? Spend it all on facebook.
Not only is life worth more than that,
God deserves more than that.
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