Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I am a winner.

oh hey,

today while not on Facebook, I got a WHOLE lot accomplished. first of all, I got to hang out with people in real life, not just electronically, and have real conversations with them. Secondly, I got ahead on schoolwork!!! oh yeah, BIG pat on the back for me on that one. I went to the Ralph Brown Draughon Library, and hit up the media resource center, and used all my expert photoshop skills that Jon Carter taught me to do work on this monster project I have due on tuesday. don't worry, I will put up pictures when I'm done. Thirdly, I went to mcdonalds and got a coke because I was in desperate need of caffeine. well, mcdonalds is doing that thing again with the monopoly pieces, so I got a medium so that I could get peel them off, not really expecting to win anything, but much to my excitement, I WON A FREE MEDIUM FRY!!!!!!!!!! now I don't really know when I'll ever use that, I don't exactly go to mcdonalds all the time, but the point is that I won. One day without facebook and God is already blessing me with winnings.

to close this blogpost, I also had a self realization today of how pathetic I was....
I. created. a. Facebook. page. for. my. pet. fish. (punctuation to add dramatic emphasis)
for real though, you can add him. ross fish, ross named after ross on friends of course.

so, to end with a bit of hope, if I, even I, the girl who impersonates an amphibian on a social network can get rid of her facebook, so can you.

too legit to quit,

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