Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm lame.

oh hey,
today while not on Facebook I dyed my hair. yeah it sounds a little outrageous, but I needed to, to match my formal dress better. ok that sounds so much lamer, than I thought it would, but seriously, I've been meaning to dye it for awhile now, just darker, nothing crazy, and so tonight I did. let me also mention that this is not the first time, I also dyed it this summer, so it's the second time. I have to give all the credit to my friend, Kate, because she is the one who actually did it, I just sat there and watched High School Musical 3. another thing I did while not on Facebook, fantasized about dating zac efron. wow ok, this blog post is making me out to be an extremely lame person, but I don't care because no matter what anyone says, zac efron is fiinneee.

now, I have a confession. this whole no Facebook for a month thing is really really hard. I find myself all the time, jumping on my computer typing in the Facebook homepage and then remembering that I don't know my password. I guess it just makes me realize how much I depend on stupid things like social networks to occupy my time. it actually makes me really sad that our society is like this, sometimes I wish that I lived in a different time period where they just played outside or knitted or something. actually, I used to know this girl who thought she had a super awesome skill of telling people what time period they belonged in, and she looked at me and said that I was like colonial or something, so of course I got really offended. I mean out of all the time periods she picks colonial for me. there is nothing cool about colonial times.

one last thing that I have been doing while not being on Facebook is listening to a lot of hymns. and let me say, I am obsessed. right now, my favorite is Jesus I Come- Indelible Grace. they are so awesome, they take all these hymns and redo them to sound more contemporary, and like I previously said, I'm obsessed.

well that's all for now. I'm going to go not be on facebook.

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