Wednesday, November 10, 2010

looking back....

for the last time.... oh hey,

well my friends, today was the last day while not on facebook, making this the last blogpost from girlK.

it has been a long, hard journey, but it doesn't stop here. the tricky part is not letting myself go back to where I was, but I'm confident. I have learned so much in this past month, yeah sounds cheesy but for reals I have learned a lot. (please imagine cheesy self realization music while I flashback over this past month) for example, I can now somewhat play the recorder, I know that otter youtube videos make people happy, I learned the joy that can come from hanging stuffed animals out the window, I won things from mcdonalds, I created a lucky shaker, I have a new hair color and the self image that comes from having dark hair (facetiousism), I made a new word...facetiousism- the act of being facetious, I jumped out of a moving car like james bond would, I pulled an all nighter, I made tons of new friends, I had real conversations with people, I climbed SO many trees, and I played with wayyy too much 3D chalk. Oh and I built a fort. which I am sitting in right now, and I bought christmas lights for it.

well as I dry away the few tears that I had after reminiscing over all those good times, I will for the last time blog about what I did today while not on facebook. I arose around 8:52 and made it only 3 minutes late to my 9 o'clock class. after that I sat on the concourse for way too long and sang celine dion and leona lewis to people as they walked by, trying to raise awareness for children who don't have school supplies, and we were competing with a guy in a penguin costume. then I went shopping, to gap and old navy. I went into ulta and did my makeup and a mascara bottle exploded all over my right eye. chapter. then Hibachi with k spink and k palmer and bible study with the lovely leslie morris and laura something. after bible study, I went back to k palmer's dorm and watched one of my very favorite movies sleepover. and now here I am in my fort, about to go to bed only to wake up tomorrow, and be able to get back on facebook.

to close, I just want to remind you of the reason we started this blog, james 4:14 says, "what is your life? for you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." yeah that verse is pretty ridiculous isn't it? I mean, right now, ask yourself, what is my life? Our lives, are like a mist. a mist. I just sprayed some air freshener and just like that it's gone. a MIST. God gave us life to live it, and live it to the fullest, do you? I do, heck, I'm sitting in a fort under my bed! I just want to encourage anyone who actually takes the time to read this blog, to stop, log out of facebook and go do something, I did. what better way to spend your day glorifying the Lord, with the ones that He has put in your life to love. yes, I am going to be returning to the social networking world, but not empty handed, or empty minded I guess would make more sense. I feel like I've taken one little baby step towards growing up. call disney channel because I just learned a life lesson. life is too short to spend it liking the next status or commenting on the next wall post. don't get me wrong, facebook isn't evil, I love facebook, I think it is super dooper fun, but look at the big picture.for you, it may not be facebook, I could think of a million other things that consume my time and thoughts worse than facebook, but I mean, would that really make a good blog?

life is worth more than __________ (fill in the blank).

to all of you who have stuck with us til the end, thank you for your support. to girlR, I love you, and I am proud of you. I wouldn't want to dramatically alter my life with anyone but you. p.s. your password is thisrighthereismyswag, and I hope you change it before this gets posted.

so with final words,
for the very last time,
I bid you adieu.

too much love,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

hot cross buns

only two more daysssss
well today while not on facebook I went to dollar general and bought a recorder. I then proceeded to play the recorder no stop for the rest of the day. I am pretty sure I successfully annoyed most of auburn's campus.
other than that, I would say it was a pretty average day.
war eagle.

Monday, November 8, 2010

tune my heart

What did I do this week while not on facebook?
"I said to the Lord, 'You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.'" Psalm 16:2

This week I learned a freaking lot. This whole facebook project is alot bigger than I expected... and God always is.
He's just the best.

um war eagle to that!

{please pretend this was posted on friday! sorry, I'm having to play catch up}
today while not on facebook I fufilled all of my freshman girl aspirations in one picture.

after this incredible moment, I had a remarkably awkward moment in the farmhouse fraternity house. then I campaigned on the concourse for a long time, though I wasn't quite as lucky as I had been that morning, and then I took a good long nap, and then went to the parade.
the parade was super fun, and then I began an incredible night of auburn high school fun with nettie and kate and girlR. first we went to auburn high school football game, and they lost for the first time in like three years, so sorry about that auburn high school, looks like I was your bad luck charm. then nettie took us to this awesome bridge in the middle of nowhere and once I got over the feeling that I was going to be raped, it was really fun!
after that we got back to campus and ended up sitting in nettie's car and talking for like 3 hours because we were too tired to get out of the car. lame.
i forgot to post a video last time so here is two!!!

watch this if you want to pee on yourself from laughing so hard

mucho love,

only a few days lefttttttt!!!!!!!!!

meet my family.

{sorry this has taken me so long to post!}

today, while not on facebook, I did way too much,

The day began with a very early 8 o’clock class and then a long day on the concourse supporting Victoria, and a skipped Auburn experience class. After a while on the concourse I was lucky enough to see my dear friend, mark price walking out of class.

Meet mark.

Mark is 19 years old, he enjoys rave dancing, and otter youtube videos. His special skills are unicycling, singing, and making jokes. He has considered being a model for Patagonia, but His life goal is to be on the amazing race.

Well mark and I made plans to surprise Melanie price at her 20th birthday party at chewacla. So we went to walmart to get her a present. We bought her some 3-d chalk and half price Halloween candy and then made our way out to chewacla. We didn’t have any gift wrapping, so I found a shaker in mark’s car and tied pieces of the shaker on the presents to make them appear as they had been not last minute. We arrived at chewacla, but didn’t want to call and ask where she was, because we were suprising her, so we walked around chewacla, which is a national state park, so don’t be confused by its size. We walked down to the waterfall, accidently walked up on two people getting freaky on a rock, it was awkward, but still couldn’t find Melanie. So we decide just to call her, and turns out she wasn’t there. It was too cold. So we wandered around chewacla for awhile longer, getting the most out of the 2 dollars it cost to get it, we made plans to go skydiving when I turn 19 and to win the amazing race when we turn 21.

We left chewacla and headed back to campus, and I went to see Melanie to give her her presents.

Meet Melanie.

Melanie is now 20 years old. She enjoys building forts and eating fried chicken. Her special skills include climbing trees, and being hilarious. For her birthday we gave Melanie 3D chalk and I have never seen anyone so excited.

after playing with melanie for a very very long time, I went to dinner with girlR, and then to the ruf barn dance! claire bear was my dance partner and we rocked it. I just love her to death. we then proceeded to waffle house and had just an average time. oh did I mention that I love cody nall to death??

overall it was a fantastic day.

yes, this is my family.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

In celebration of diversity...


Hannukah! Oh, Hannukah!
The sweet celebration.
Around the feast we gather in complete jubilation.
Happiest of seasons now is here.
Many are the reasons for good cheer.
We'll weather
whatever tomorrow may bring.
So, hear us rejoicing
and merriyly voicing
this Hannukah song that we sing!
So, hear us rejoicing
and merrily voicing
this Hannukah song that we sing!

51 Days 'til Christmas,

I haven't listened to any of the new Taylor Swift yet.

To explain the title: I just felt like that fact is a big enough deal to make it the title of this post. This post didn't have anything to do with that (until now, I suppose), and I'm really not even sure I can owe that neglect to not being on facebook. However, I just feel very proud that I have yet to do that, even though I probably will sometime next week.

Moving on to good music, the song/video posted immediately below is!
Winter Song (Ingrid Michaelson & Sara Bareilles)

10 Reasons that Rosemary Jager likes this (I feel no need to discuss the obvious in the following list):
1. I love Christmas, and Christmas is in the wintertime.
2. I love Ingrid Michaelson.
3. I love Sara Bareilles.
4. I love their cartoon selves.
5. I love tree houses, and one happens to be at the happily ever after ending of this sad song's video.
6. I love happily ever afters.
7. I love violins and pianos, and even more than that harmonies, and what do ya know-- they are all in this song.
8. I love good lyrics.
9. I love the cute art that makes up this video.
10. I just love it because how could you freakin not???

Last winter, I had the priveledge of singing this song with two of my sisters in my high school's winter musical revue. It made the song more special than it already is to me. (*Insert side-comment of seconding GirlK's motion to miss and return to the wonderfulness of Birmingham.) I just think the song is all around beautiful, and I want all of our now 16 followers (I think) to know about it if they don't already.

I have to study for my Intro. to Psych. exam #3, but before I go, I would like to point out something I find funny...
If you look back a few posts, you will find GirlK quoting her good ole' softball coach--OH, annd great mentour, Byrle Kynerd... FYI: BYRLE KYNERD STARTED BRIARWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. He's kind of a big deal... I found it incredibly comical that GirlK only recognized him as a great softball coach and mentour-- which he definitely is... but he also STARTED BRIARWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. Again, big deal.

Well, wish me luck studying. And a prayer or two would be appreciated. :)

Love is alive,

"that would be like taking a girl"

ok ok ok, I know I already blogged today, and this is annoying but tonight is definitely blog worthy.
so after being in the library for far too long with girlR and playing ridiculously loud youtube videos the whole time, we went back to keller and ended up sitting on the ground for a very long time talking to my friend nettie, who is from auburn, about birmingham. you see, nettie is planning on taking us on a auburn high school adventure night, where we are going to do all these things that the kids from auburn high did, be expecting an exciting post on friday about that one, and it gave me the great idea that nettie needs to come to the ham with me and girlR. so we talked and talked about all the great things in birmingham, like the dollar theatre, and downtown, and mountain brook village, and maki fresh, and snobiz, and the SUMMIT and all the other great things about birmingham. not only did this make me miss birmingham so much, this made me so excited about thanksgiving break.
so to close, I had a sugar cookie and I wore a sombrero and I went back to my dorm. I would say it was good night.

p.s. ALLL of this great fun, and even more to come happened while NOT on facebook. this happiness that I have right now could be yours for the low low low price of simply getting off facebook. trust me, it's worth it.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

it is well

oh hey,
so i just posted a very old blog post from a long time ago, so you will have to scroll down to read it!!
today, while not on facebook, I contemplated the meaning of life, and wrote a short novel on my time doing community service after two months in prison.
yes, I am being facetious.
today, I went to class, took a test, and now I am working on a drawing for my drawing class. I am currently obsessed with my twitter account, follow me, but I am tired of getting a text every 5 minutes, thinking that I am super popular and much to my dismay, it is just a tweet, not even about me, or directed towards me. (in the time that it took me to type that paragraph, I got three tweet messages. mlia.)
this week is campaign week, yayyyyyyyy

here is an exciting youtube video.

to close, I just want to say be joyful. i'm reading this book right now called be joyful and it is so freaking challenging. it's basically about looking at all the crap circumstances in our lives with the single mind, like Christ, and turning them into blessings. it's all about your perspective. Dr. Kynerd, one of my softball coaches, but more importantly a great mentor, used to always say, "kit, did you dropping that ball change the price of eggs in china? no, it did not. it is all about your greater perspective." now, I still don't know what that has to do with the price of eggs in china, but the point is that if you have the right perspective, you can take a bomb that just went off, and turn it into christmastime.
remember, be joyful.

mucho love,

girlR, good to have you back.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


As some of you may have noticed, GirlK and I did have a smidge of fb activity last night. This is all due to the mandatory requests of our Greek organizations, and please, be assured that GirlK did the work on my profile, and I on hers. No notifications, messages, and/or etc. were checked during the changing of our profile pictures. It is homecoming week here in Auburn which means Miss Homecoming campaigning is in full bloom. We are both proud to represent our organizations' candidates through our profile pictures.
However, this blog is a campaign free zone.
All the candidates are ballers anyways.

Just clarifying,

Monday, November 1, 2010

what matters

In my time off facebook, I've had much more time for reflection on the what really matters in life. One important matter I've been pondering lately is family. That's important, right? Right. I miss mine, and as dramatic as the lyics may seem, Brandi Carlile's "Downpour" nails what I sometimes feel like about not being at home anymore with my sisters... and after you finish reading them the sappy moment will be over. Promise.

I'm like the rain in a downpour
I wash away what you long for
And I wave goodbye with the sun in my eyes
I wish I could be there tonight

I'm like the wind in the canyon
I'm there when I'm gone in a second
You're growing older in peace where you're at
I wish I could be there for that
But I've moved on
Like a rolling stone
In a crowded room
I'm alone

I'm like the rain in a downpour
I wash away what you long for
And I wave goodbye with the sun in my eyes
I wish I could be there tonight
Oh, oh, yeah

You're like the tide in the deep blue
Cause you're always there when I need you
And when you need someone to carry you through
I'm gonna be there for you
I'm gonna be there for you

And since I promised the sappy moment is over, PLEASE be sure to enjoy the video below. Titanic was on the tele this weekend and, for the first time, I almost cried when Jack died. This video, however, really puts it all in perspective.

My heart will go on,

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A few points I would like to add:

1. I just reread my post and found numerous grammatical errors that honestly make my want to cry. Forgive me and please correct them as you read.
2. GET READY PEOPLE! CHRISTMAS IS 55 DAYS AWAY!!! Which also means that...
3. Thanksgiving is 25 days away. Which also means that...
4. We Auburn students have 3 school weeks until Thanksgiving break--insert a week of Thanksgiving break and the (stay humble, but WAR EAGLE) Iron Bowl and then...-- 2 school weeks until Christmas break...
For all you slow folk out there, this math adds up to 6 total weeks until I have completed my first semester of college.

Where has the time gone?
I have no idea, but it is currently beckoning me to do my laundry.


sorry about that

Alright, shen we originally made this blog, we had these really great intentions of posting everday and just blogging it right on up... GirlK has done an excellent job of this. I, GirlR, have been, as you may say, missing in action, but GirlK is right when she says that I have not been on facebook... I have not been on facebook a once.
What have I been doing, you ask? Well, don't you worry, I am here to tell you.
For one thing, I have been spending much less time on the internet... which is not only grand, but also the reason that I have not been blogging.
Let's seeee.... I last posted October 13th. Since then I have been home... twice... which was silly, but very nice. On my first visit, I did up some fancy hair and makeup for my fifteen-year-old sister's homecoming dance-- she looked gorrrgg (I would post a picture, but my only access to them is through facebook, so I am currently incapable.)-- and a mere 3 days later, I returned for the Thursday opening night showing of 12 Angry Jurors at my high school alma mater (as of the past 5 months). I was super involved in the theatre deptartment there when I was in high school, and all the returnees say it super strange to be back for a show your not in, but I didn't think it was that strange. It felt somehow just the way it was supposed to; however, it did make me miss performing A-LOTTT... but like I said, things are as they should be.
Moving on, the next weekend brought corndogs o' joy to the rolling plains of dixie, and our precious tigers (the orange and navy blue ones) took spot as #1 in official college football rankings (that I pay a ridiculous amount of attention and understanding too). The week following brought nothing exciting except for a lack of sleep and poor time management on my behalf... oh, and it also brought a gift-wrapped package of William Jetpack Mason (as he calls himself on his voicemail answering machine??) on Thursday evening. We roughed it on the abandoned plains while everyone else enjoyed their Mama's home cookin'. We had a nice weekend leading up to this very point of my blog where I bid you goodbye and apologize for the senseless rambling that is a consequence of my blogging neglect and that you have endured if you have made it thus far into this post.
Keep reading. We've got 10 more days. I make you the faux promise to post on everyone of them, and I guarantee a post on November 11th because there will be nothing, but joy and jubilation from Keller Rm. 106 on my roommate's birthday.

I enjoy the way GirlK has ended posts with the following:
Peace and Blessings,

Monday, October 25, 2010

i'm feelin so fly like a G6

oh hey,
before I begin my adventures of this weekend and the past weekend, while not on facebook, sorry I have been super busy!! but I want to give a shout out to Allison Shaw, and her BEAUTIFUL baby, Elizabeth Gray.
so adorable.
anyways, so this past weekend while not on facebook, I hung out with my dear friend girlR, sorry she hasn't posted so long. still don't know where she is. and we went to dinner at pita pit (our usual) and then walked into this incredible event at the student center, with laser tag, salsa dancing classes, inflatables, a mechanical bull, and a wedding chapel. the next day we went to the football game, WAR EAGLE. after the game, I went to this haunted farm. there was a haunted hay ride, a haunted barn, and a haunted forest. basically it was all just really hilarious. these guys ran around in masks and just grunted at you the whole time. but my dear friend kate patrick was hilarious. at one point she literally jumped into my arms because she was so scared of the men with the "chainsaws" or as I like to call, the jacked up toasters. the rest of the weekend was average. the next week, average. on tuesday, we had our halloween social, so me and kathleen and sarah katherine dressed up as the jonas brothers but we get there and we couldn't get in, because we were only 18. so we decided to go to mcdonalds, and guess what, it closes at 11. so basically we got all dressed up, and couldn't get into our social OR mcdonalds. so we did what any normal person that loves mcdonald's ice cream would do and we jumped into a random car and went through the drive thru. I went home on thursday to watch my volleyball babies play in the state championship and I am SO proud of them. after spending a lovely weekend at home, I am happy to be back in auburn.
only a few days left, my goal is to post a fun youtube video every day until the deadline. starting today.

much love.

Friday, October 22, 2010


this is a special post, dedicated to my dear friend molly.
this morning, I walked into her room, not expecting to see her in there because I seem to find myself in there a lot while she or kathleen aren't there, but anyways, I walked in and in stead of seeing molly, I saw this on the counter.
that is absolutely disgusting.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

last name ever first name greatest

oh hey,
it has officially been 10 days without Facebook, and I am still going strong. today has been very eventful to say the least, I would probably consider it one of the greatest days yet. first of all, to catch you up, I finished my gradation project, but I had to sacrifice sleep to do it. I began working on my project at 11 in the studio, and besides taking a 2 hour break to go to ruf and chill, I was in the studio until 8 the next morning. It was a long night. I did have some fun before though, I went to chill with girlR and claire warlick and brittany moates and then me and brittany went to mcdonalds and I won something else off of the mcdonalds' monopoly cups and I accidently stole someone else's food and got WAY more than I payed for, and then I jumped out of a moving car and successfully didn't break my leg. after that I was in the studio all night. the next day, I was very delirous, and after eating lunch my friend david, I hung out with my friend mark, and we built this grass mound and convinced all these girls that it was for a project. it was hilarious. after that, I went to my dorm and slept til 9, woke up, ate dinner, and went back to be at 10. the next day, while not on Facebook, I did absolutely nothing exciting.

which brings us to today. today, while not on Facebook, I had way too much. fun. I got out of class early and melanie called me so I went and ate lunch with her and mark, my family. we had a good time, I taught them this game where you push people's hands and try to make them fall down and we got way to into it so we stopped. we then climbed some trees outside of owen, which resulted in the 2 adorable pictures below.

this is my big, Melanie. I love her wayyy too much.

after climbing trees like a boss, I spent the rest of the day with my best guh clur. I went to her apartment and saw this fun fellow on the way (dear men everywhere: please NEVER EVER wear spandex. EVER) and I did some laundry and we decided that we really want a little tea cup pig to name hamilton. the only thing is that they cost around 800 dollars, so if anybody out there knows someone who breeds teacup pigs just let me know. after catching up with clur, I went to an ruf bible study, and let me tell you it was legit. we are reading through stories in this storybook bible, like a bible for children, and at first I thought that was kinda shallow I guess for a college bible study, but it really taught me the beauty of simplicity. even the simplest thing, like a child's storybook bible can teach you about God. it is incredible how he works in the most mysterious ways.

finally the end to a perfect day, dancing with my girls in the parking lot of the student act. doesn't get much better than that. did I mention that EJ and clur crump like it's their job??

oh by the way, if you are wondering about what has happened to girlR, well honestly I have no idea where she is, but I know where she is not, and that is on facebook.
peace and blessings

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

simply having a wonderful christmas time

so I feel like I should catch you all up on what all I did this weekend while not on facebook. there was formal, football, waffle house, gradation project (graphic design major), initiation, and a lot more on that gradation project.

first of all, formal=super fun. secondly, great game on saturday. below is a picture of me with what I like to call my lucky shaker because as you can tell, it is completely orange. well I did not buy it like that. during the third quarter as Auburn was doing just average I began to pick out every blue piece in the shaker. it took me a very long, but it was toatally worth it because the exact minute that I pulled out the very last blue piece, we recovered a fumble, which led to a touchdown, and then we intercepted a pass for a touchdown, and THEN we intercepted ANOTHER pass and scored ANOTHER touchdown. so yeah, I would pretty much say that that makes it the luckiest shaker in the whole world, and it will also be accompanying me to like every game for the rest of the year. scratch that, MY LIFE.
war eagle. after that I hung out with some good friends, and went to waffle house with some good friends. I would say it was a successful night.

thirdly, it is time that I tell you about the thing that has completely taken over my life these past few days.... gradation project.this is a 40 hour project for one of my design classes and trust me it is ridiculous. once I am finished I will have some legit pictures for you, but below is just a rough idea of what it will look like. I basically have to ink in all those 400 squares, and that's what I've been working on all day. as I sit here not inking in squares which is what I should be doing, I am listening to christmas music on my pandora radio. I know, I know, it's october, but I just really love christmas. It truly makes me the happiest person in the world and I just can't wait til it begins to look a lot like christmas, and it's too cold outside, and we are walking in a winter wonderland.

finally, I had initiation and banquet, and both of those things were pretty cool. I hate to brag, but at our banquet, I actually won an AOII award... I was voted best little sister.... but I think that's only because I have the best big sister! (disclaimer, this is all sorority talk, I do not actually have a big sister). except for the fact that my big wasn't there to see me accept my award. but it's ok, I wasn't hurt at all.

so that pretty much wraps up the weekend. if I'm still alive after gradation I'll blog again soon!! remember facebook=garbage!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm lame.

oh hey,
today while not on Facebook I dyed my hair. yeah it sounds a little outrageous, but I needed to, to match my formal dress better. ok that sounds so much lamer, than I thought it would, but seriously, I've been meaning to dye it for awhile now, just darker, nothing crazy, and so tonight I did. let me also mention that this is not the first time, I also dyed it this summer, so it's the second time. I have to give all the credit to my friend, Kate, because she is the one who actually did it, I just sat there and watched High School Musical 3. another thing I did while not on Facebook, fantasized about dating zac efron. wow ok, this blog post is making me out to be an extremely lame person, but I don't care because no matter what anyone says, zac efron is fiinneee.

now, I have a confession. this whole no Facebook for a month thing is really really hard. I find myself all the time, jumping on my computer typing in the Facebook homepage and then remembering that I don't know my password. I guess it just makes me realize how much I depend on stupid things like social networks to occupy my time. it actually makes me really sad that our society is like this, sometimes I wish that I lived in a different time period where they just played outside or knitted or something. actually, I used to know this girl who thought she had a super awesome skill of telling people what time period they belonged in, and she looked at me and said that I was like colonial or something, so of course I got really offended. I mean out of all the time periods she picks colonial for me. there is nothing cool about colonial times.

one last thing that I have been doing while not being on Facebook is listening to a lot of hymns. and let me say, I am obsessed. right now, my favorite is Jesus I Come- Indelible Grace. they are so awesome, they take all these hymns and redo them to sound more contemporary, and like I previously said, I'm obsessed.

well that's all for now. I'm going to go not be on facebook.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Realization of the evening: The term "social network" actually is the epitome of LAMMEEEE. I feel like a complete loser for enjoying something called a "social network" as much as I have. I have alot more comparisons I could make to the kind of personality steryotypes that my mind places with the verb "social networking," but I feel like I can't go on this tangent anymore without being rude, so I'm done.
I'll start the synopsis of my day by saying: I will never be as funny as GirlK (my sinceret apologies). Anywho, today I had alot of class (5 classes too many, to be exact). For lunch, I enjoyed a burrito with the roommate on the front stairs of Samford Lawn-- Auburn's campus is beautiful, by the way, and I hope this anti-facebook quest only leads me outside to enjoy its outdoors and architecture more and more.-- Nothing exciting happened after lunch. I went to my first chapter meeting tonight, and then one of my dearest ole' pals came to visit Keller. Not only did Keller overwhelm dear T.Harris with an estrogen-powered, squeelly-giggle rage, but T.Harris overwhelmed me with the Lord's work in his life. It was such an encouraging time of fellowship; God really used it to remind me of the order he demands of my priorities... To think that, normally, I would have been on facebook during the hours of our visit.

But, yeah... I didn't do anything quite as hilarious or witty as GirlK did today, but (as she points out) how am I supposed to compete with someone named Kit?

(Insert unimportant personal analysis of my own name: Rosie reminds me of the giggley side of me that talks alot and is super goofy. Rosemary reminds me of the side of me that's everything the Rosie side isn't. Neither comes close to the extremes-- and belly-aching laughter-- included with the name Kit.)

Thoughts of my day: Even without spontenaity, knowing that I haven't wasted two hours of my day social-networking, just makes my brain and body feel... just good. Life has so much more quality.

But don't stop reading!

Before I go, the lovely lady who lives on the bunk above me just shared a little linksy with me that I also want to share with you!
You've heard the verse, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." (I Corinthians 13:11) Bassically, this little girl pulls a switcheroo and makes ME the child this verse is talking about. She's a woman, and one after God's own heart.
precious, convicting, and encouraging... all in 4 minutes

Thank God (I mean that literally) that I don't have to be a slave to facebook,

I am 5 years old.

oh hey,

Sometimes in life, you come to the point where you just have to be a child. It's like an impulse that just hits you, and you just have to do something immature. there really is no explanation for it, I give credit to my long hair, because I am convinced that short hair means mature grown adult and I'm not going to cut my hair until I'm ready to be one. It could also come with the name, 'kit'. don't get me wrong, I love my name, but it doesn't exactly say maturity, not like my real name, mary katherine, does. anyways, so today instead of being on facebook, I decided to act on my childish impulse and I made a rope out of belts in my friend's, molly and kathleen, dorm on the third floor and I took the rope and tied it around molly's pillow pet monkey, chris brown, and hung him out the window. let's just say molly was less than thrilled when she walked out of einstein's bagel to see her precious chris brown hanging out of her window, but I did get some good laughs from other people walking around, so I would consider the whole joke a success.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I am a winner.

oh hey,

today while not on Facebook, I got a WHOLE lot accomplished. first of all, I got to hang out with people in real life, not just electronically, and have real conversations with them. Secondly, I got ahead on schoolwork!!! oh yeah, BIG pat on the back for me on that one. I went to the Ralph Brown Draughon Library, and hit up the media resource center, and used all my expert photoshop skills that Jon Carter taught me to do work on this monster project I have due on tuesday. don't worry, I will put up pictures when I'm done. Thirdly, I went to mcdonalds and got a coke because I was in desperate need of caffeine. well, mcdonalds is doing that thing again with the monopoly pieces, so I got a medium so that I could get peel them off, not really expecting to win anything, but much to my excitement, I WON A FREE MEDIUM FRY!!!!!!!!!! now I don't really know when I'll ever use that, I don't exactly go to mcdonalds all the time, but the point is that I won. One day without facebook and God is already blessing me with winnings.

to close this blogpost, I also had a self realization today of how pathetic I was....
I. created. a. Facebook. page. for. my. pet. fish. (punctuation to add dramatic emphasis)
for real though, you can add him. ross fish, ross named after ross on friends of course.

so, to end with a bit of hope, if I, even I, the girl who impersonates an amphibian on a social network can get rid of her facebook, so can you.

too legit to quit,


I ended up completely rearranging my room today while not on facebook. My roommate and I bunked our beds, and we now believe our dorm has enough open space to host a campus wide party... but not really.

PS GirlK is really witty.

social networking rehab

oh hey,
I just want to reiterate what my dear friend, girlR, has already previously stated about this blog, especially for those out there who seem confused....
we started this blog because we are seeking help from our addiction to facebook. these past few months have been hard, and I will admit that I have been in denial about this addiction, so I have decided to reach out for help. I guess this blog is kinda like our social networking rehab. we decided instead of spending all those countless hours wasting our life on facebook, we would spend countless hours living life to the fullest, and then blogging about what we did instead of being on facebook.
now, some people have already begun to question our motives, and I am here to say STOP THAT TRASH. we posted this link on facebook so that people could follow it, and be encouraged by our not being on facebook so that they could do the same. who knows, maybe one day there will be a show on mtv, where people talk about and share their struggles with the facebook addiction, and some of their stories of what they did while not on facebook. i mean, with all the tv shows about midgets and tree people and about being pregnant but not
knowing.... it could happen.
I also just want to say sorry, to anyone who enjoys stalking my life, you'll have to actually call me to know what I'm doing or how I'm feeling or how I feel about how I'm feeling. or you could just follow this blog.
so yeah, I hope you enjoy this blog. I know I will.
stay classy bloggerworld,

today instead of getting on facebook:

I am going to
-take a nap
-spend time with God
-go to the bank
-go to bed early(ish)

(the above are in no order)

Ready go.



The clock rolls around to one in the morning, marking two hours of library time wasted-- not an unusual sight in the RBDragon. I'm sitting with Girl on the first floor roaming around Mark Zuckerburg's multi-billion dollar masterpiece, refreshing my home page every so often, stumbling through mustache pledge pictures, hiding those annoying people from high school from my newsfeed, and doing anything else that one considers useless on the good ole social network. At eleven o'clock, I left my dorm with every intention to get ahead on my studies-- I didn't even bring my computer... and now, I've been using girls for at least and hour. I've had coffee, and I'm wishing I was tired. I know that I've now permeated my mind with social networking, and I won't be able to do any work for the rest of the night. Another night, another few hours, another chunk of my brain: wasted, burned in the facebook furnace.

"Ok. It's time. I'm deactivating it, and I'm going to bed," I throw in the heavy wet towel. Girl thinks for a minute, "... Let's hold each other accountable."

With that our quest to discover the worth of the life began.
soli de gloria

Here's a few things you should know:
1. When we were fifteen, Girl and I stoppped calling each other by our given names and started addressing each other as Girl and Girl. The actual reason that this happened is slightly embarrassing, but the embarrassing beginning has faded away and the heart of the matter is all that lasts, and that is that we are Girl and Girl. My name is Rosemary; Girl's name is Kit. For your ease of understanding, and our cheesy gratification, we will sign our posts as GirlR and GirlK.
2. We did not end up completely deactivating our facebooks. We both changed each others passwords because here on the plains, too many people choose facebook as their official way of communication. We will recieve an email if someone has sent us an important message or event invitation; however, we will not log on the site until November 11th (my roommate's birthday).
3. We ask for your accountability... help us out. We're pretty sure that life IS worth alot more than an addicting social network, and we genuinely want to learn to experience it...
Some wise words Girl spoke to me in high school, something to knaw on:
Think of everday that you spend an hour total on facebook-- not so bad if you just spend one hour everyday-- that's alot less than average Auburn student. Now, let 24 days pass with that limit. An hour a day, for 24 days, and a whole day of your life is gone. You'll never get it back, and what did you do with that day? Spend it all on facebook.
Not only is life worth more than that,

God deserves more than that.


sneak preview

This is gonna be big.