Tuesday, October 19, 2010

simply having a wonderful christmas time

so I feel like I should catch you all up on what all I did this weekend while not on facebook. there was formal, football, waffle house, gradation project (graphic design major), initiation, and a lot more on that gradation project.

first of all, formal=super fun. secondly, great game on saturday. below is a picture of me with what I like to call my lucky shaker because as you can tell, it is completely orange. well I did not buy it like that. during the third quarter as Auburn was doing just average I began to pick out every blue piece in the shaker. it took me a very long, but it was toatally worth it because the exact minute that I pulled out the very last blue piece, we recovered a fumble, which led to a touchdown, and then we intercepted a pass for a touchdown, and THEN we intercepted ANOTHER pass and scored ANOTHER touchdown. so yeah, I would pretty much say that that makes it the luckiest shaker in the whole world, and it will also be accompanying me to like every game for the rest of the year. scratch that, MY LIFE.
war eagle. after that I hung out with some good friends, and went to waffle house with some good friends. I would say it was a successful night.

thirdly, it is time that I tell you about the thing that has completely taken over my life these past few days.... gradation project.this is a 40 hour project for one of my design classes and trust me it is ridiculous. once I am finished I will have some legit pictures for you, but below is just a rough idea of what it will look like. I basically have to ink in all those 400 squares, and that's what I've been working on all day. as I sit here not inking in squares which is what I should be doing, I am listening to christmas music on my pandora radio. I know, I know, it's october, but I just really love christmas. It truly makes me the happiest person in the world and I just can't wait til it begins to look a lot like christmas, and it's too cold outside, and we are walking in a winter wonderland.

finally, I had initiation and banquet, and both of those things were pretty cool. I hate to brag, but at our banquet, I actually won an AOII award... I was voted best little sister.... but I think that's only because I have the best big sister! (disclaimer, this is all sorority talk, I do not actually have a big sister). except for the fact that my big wasn't there to see me accept my award. but it's ok, I wasn't hurt at all.

so that pretty much wraps up the weekend. if I'm still alive after gradation I'll blog again soon!! remember facebook=garbage!

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